Our campaign

Ending Financing for Oil in Amazonia


Amazonia, one of the planet's last pristine frontiers, stands as a critical battleground against the expansion of the oil industry and industrial extraction. It is high time for banks to take a stand, to ensure they are not complicit in the infringement of Indigenous rights and the ongoing degradation of this irreplaceable region. The "Exit Amazon Oil and Gas" campaign, a joint endeavor by Stand.earth in collaboration with the Pan-Amazonian Indigenous Organization (COICA), represents an urgent call to action. We implore banks to cease all forms of financing, direct and indirect, for oil and gas activities in Amazonia. Our mission is clear: to protect Indigenous rights, the environment, and the global climate.

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Main points

A Precious Ecosystem at Risk:

Amazonia, often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth," is one of the few places on this planet where oil drilling should have no place. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has issued a dire warning: there can be no room for new fossil fuel projects if we are to remain within the 1.5°C limit on global warming and avert catastrophic climate change.

Our call to action

The "Exit Amazon Oil and Gas" platform underscores the need for immediate action in Amazonia, with an unequivocal call for banks to commit to the following:

1. Halt Financing for Oil and Gas Expansion: Banks must cease financing any new oil and gas expansion projects in Amazonia. The future of this critical region demands nothing less.

2. Phase Out Current Financing: We urge banks to take responsible action in phasing out their existing financing commitments to oil and gas activities in Amazonia. This is a pivotal step toward preserving the ecosystem.

3. Uphold Indigenous Rights: Banks must adopt robust, legally binding policies that respect the Indigenous right to self-determination. Indigenous communities are the stewards of the land, and their rights must be upheld and protected.

Why Banks Must Act:

Banks occupy a unique position of influence and responsibility in our global economy. They have the power to shape the future, either by perpetuating the destructive path of oil and gas expansion or by championing a sustainable and just world.

Join Us in this Crucial Mission:

Ending Financing for Oil in Amazonia is a call to conscience, a call to protect not just a region but a way of life and the very balance of our planet's ecosystems. Stand with us as we demand accountability and responsibility from financial institutions. Together, we can ensure that Amazonia remains a symbol of natural wonder rather than a casualty of industrial exploitation.

Together, we can preserve Amazonia for generations to come.

#ExitAmazonOilandGas #ProtectAmazonia #IndigenousRightsMatter

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